How to make a badminton shuttlecock

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Making a badminton shuttlecock is not as difficult as one might think. The process is relatively simple and only requires a few materials. With a few household items and a little bit of time, anyone can make a shuttlecock for badminton.


1. Gather the necessary materials

In order to make a badminton shuttlecock, you will need the following materials:

-1 cork

-2 feathers

-1 piece of string

-1 piece of tape

-1 pair of scissors

First, take the cork and cut it in half with the scissors. Next, take the two feathers and tie them to the cork using the string. Make sure that the feathers are symmetrical and that they are pointing in the same direction.

Finally, use the tape to secure the string in place. Your badminton shuttlecock is now ready to use!

2. Cut the feathers to the same length

Cutting the feathers to the same length is a crucial step in making a badminton shuttlecock. If the feathers are not cut evenly, the shuttlecock will not fly straight and will be difficult to control.

To cut the feathers, you will need a sharp pair of scissors. Start by trimming the tips of the feathers so they are all the same length. Then, cut the feathers on one side of the shuttlecock to the same length. Finally, cut the feathers on the other side of the shuttlecock to the same length.

3. Secure the feathers to the cork base

To make a badminton shuttlecock, you will need:

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-A cork base



-A sharp knife

1. Start by glueing the feathers to the cork base. Make sure that the feathers are evenly distributed around the cork, and that they are all pointing in the same direction.

2. Once the glue has dried, use a sharp knife to trim the feathers so that they are all the same length.

Your badminton shuttlecock is now ready to use! Enjoy!

4. Wrap the cork with string

Use about 30 cm of string and wrap it around the cork. Make sure to leave enough string at the end so you can tie a knot. Once you’ve wrapped the string around the cork, tie a knot to secure it in place.

5. Tie off the string

Badminton shuttlecocks are made with feathers and a cork base. The feathers are usually 16 to 20 in number and are attached to the base with string. To make a shuttlecock, first, the base is made by gluing the feathers to the cork. Once the glue has dried, the string is tied off at the top of the base, and the shuttlecock is complete.

6. Secure the feathers in place with glue

To make a badminton shuttlecock, you’ll need:

1. 6 feathers

2. A cork

3. A piece of string

4. A hot glue gun


1. Cut the feathers to the same length.

2. Insert the feathers into the cork, making sure they’re evenly spaced out.

3. Wrap the string around the cork, securing the feathers in place.

4. Use the hot glue gun to glue the string in place.

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And that’s it! You’ve now made your own badminton shuttlecock.

7. Trim off any excess string and feathers

Once you have all your materials, it’s time to start making your shuttlecock. First, take the feathers and arrange them in a tight bunch. Next, tie them together with the string, making sure to leave about an inch of string at the top. Then, take the cork and push it into the center of the feathers. Once the cork is in place, trim off any excess string or feathers. And that’s it! You’ve now made your very own shuttlecock.

8. Attach the rubber band to the base of the shuttlecock

You will need a rubber band that is about 12 inches long. Attach one end of the rubber band to the base of the shuttlecock. Wrap the rubber band around the base of the shuttlecock several times. Then, tie the rubber band in a knot. Trim any excess rubber band.

Overall, making your own badminton shuttlecock is not too difficult, and can be quite fun and rewarding. With just a few simple materials, you can make a high-quality shuttlecock that will help you improve your game. shuttlecock.

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Hi there, my name is John Duong, and I'm a 10-year experienced badminton player. Badminton is my passion, and I've been playing the sport competitively since I was a teenager. Over the years, I've honed my skills, developed my technique, and gained valuable insights into the game.

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