How to wrap badminton grip

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Badminton is a sport that many people enjoy. The game can be played with either two or four people. It is played with rackets and a shuttlecock. The object of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net and into your opponents court.

If you are new to the game, you may be wondering how to wrap your racket’s grip. This is actually a very important part of playing the game. A good grip will help you control your racket and make better shots. Here are some tips on how to wrap your badminton grip:

1. Start by wrapping the base of your thumb and then go around the inside of your palm.

2. Wrap the grip tightly around your racket handle. Make sure that the grip is snug and will not slip.

3. Wrap the grip around your index finger and then your middle finger.

4. Finally, wrap the grip around your ring finger and little finger.


1. Prepare the badminton grip

There are two main ways to grip a badminton racket: the forehand grip and the backhand grip. The forehand grip is the most common grip and is used for most strokes. To grip the racket in the forehand position, hold the racket in your dominant hand with the thumb pointing down. The backhand grip is used for strokes that are hit on the backhand side of the body. To grip the racket in the backhand position, hold the racket in your non-dominant hand with the thumb pointing up.

2. Attach the adhesive tape

To begin, cut a strip of adhesive tape that is long enough to wrap around the badminton racket handle. Make sure the strip is wide enough to cover the entire circumference of the handle. If necessary, cut the strip into smaller pieces so that it will be easier to work with.

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Next, remove the protective backing from the adhesive tape and attach the strip (or strips) to the handle, starting at the base and working your way up. Once the entire handle is covered, use your fingers to smooth out any bumps or wrinkles in the tape.

finally, cut off any excess tape at the top of the handle. Your badminton racket is now ready to use!

3. Create a guide line

There are a few different ways you can wrap your badminton grip, but the most important thing is to make sure that the grip is tight and secure. Start by wrapping the string around the base of your thumb, and then continue wrapping it around your hand until you reach the base of your pinky finger. Once you reach the pinky, wrap the string around the back of your hand and then back around to the thumb. From there, you can either tuck the end of the string under the wraps or tie it off.

4. Start wrapping the grip from bottom to top

If you’re looking for a better grip on your badminton racket, one of the best things you can do is wrap the grip properly. It may seem like a simple task, but there’s a certain technique to it that will ensure a tight, comfortable grip that won’t slip during play. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to wrap a badminton grip:

1. Start by cutting a strip of grip tape that’s about 10 inches long.

2. Next, peel off the backing of the tape and begin wrapping it around the bottom of the grip, making sure to overlap the edges of the tape as you go.

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3. Once you get to the top of the grip, start wrapping the tape in the opposite direction, working your way back down.

4. When you reach the bottom again, cut the tape and tuck in the end to secure it.

5. Finally, give the grip a good squeeze to make sure it’s tight and comfortable.

5. Make sure the grip is covering the adhesive tape

1. Make sure the grip is covering the adhesive tape.

2. Wrap the grip around the handle of the racket, starting from the bottom.

3. Continue wrapping until you reach the top of the handle.

4. Finish by overlapping the end of the grip with the beginning, and pressing down to secure.

6. Make sure the grip is tight

There are a few things you need to make sure of when you’re wrapping your badminton grip. First, make sure the grip is tight. You don’t want it to be too loose, otherwise it will slip and you won’t be able to hold on to the racket properly. Second, make sure the wrap is even. You don’t want it to be too thick in one spot and too thin in another. Third, make sure the end of the wrap is secure. You don’t want it to come undone while you’re playing.

7. Secure the edges with adhesive tape

Once you have the grip positioned correctly on the racket, it’s time to secure the edges with adhesive tape. You’ll want to use a good-quality tape that won’t peel off easily. Start by wrapping the tape around the bottom edge of the grip, then work your way up the sides. Be sure to wrap the tape tightly so that the grip is secure.

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8. Trim off the excess grip

It’s important to make sure your badminton grip is the right size for your hand. If it’s too big, it will be difficult to control the racket. If it’s too small, you won’t be able to get a good grip on the racket.

To find the right size, wrap the grip around your hand and make sure there is about 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) of space between your thumb and first finger. Then, use a marker to mark the spot where the grip ends.

Once you have the grip the right size, you can trim off the excess with a sharp knife or a pair of scissors.

In conclusion, wrapping your badminton grip is not difficult, and it can be done in a few minutes with some simple supplies. By taking the time to wrap your grip, you can improve your comfort and performance when playing badminton.

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Hi there, my name is John Duong, and I'm a 10-year experienced badminton player. Badminton is my passion, and I've been playing the sport competitively since I was a teenager. Over the years, I've honed my skills, developed my technique, and gained valuable insights into the game.

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